Friday, March 2, 2007

Responding to my first comment, sorta...

Thanx for the feedback, Paul.
Here's a question: how would it play out, in a session, if I had 5M and 7E dice, and I wanted to do something frighteningly mundane, like bluff my way into a bank (maybe by pretending to apply for a loan)?

What difficulties would I experience, given the die pool imbalances? What powers would be at my disposal?
I'd kinda been thinking along these lines lately. I think there will need to be keywords or aspects that govern Mundane acts as well as the keywords that govern the Extraordinary acts.

I still like the idea that the more boring a task is, then the higher its target number will be in mundane dice.

I d0n't have an answer to your question yet, but here's a sorta related idea to kick around.

What if doing something Mundane or Extraordinary didn't automatically draw dice from the opposite pool. Maybe there is some sort of exploding dice like mechanic. So you have 5 Mundane dice and the GM (or antagonist player, not sure yet) says the difficulty of applying for a bank loan is 4 cause that's pretty boring. You roll all 5 dice and get 3 successes. You've failed, BUT if you rolled a 6 that would allow you to pull a die from the Extraordinary pool and roll it to try to get that fourth success. Either way, that die would stay in the Mundane pool.

That may slow things down a little bit more, which is what I'm looking for at this point.

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